Launching your own online store is surely a big deal. Waiting for the first customers and purchases might be truly exciting, but all in all, their lack after a while is more than frustrating.
Of course, your future customers do need some time to hear about your store, but there are always few ways for improvement and getting your desired results a bit faster. Here we give you some simple tips for increasing the traffic in your online store:
- Work with influencers
Blogs, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest… It seems that all the social media are waiting for you to use them! They are excellent promo channels, then, how about sending some samples to bloggers or youtubers? Recommendations from influencers may let you gain more engagement and potential loyal followers. Once they appreciate your product and share the info about it, your sales will get really boosted! Then, try to reach them on your way to building a unique and positive image of your brand.
- Write your own blog
Good descriptions of goods available in your store may not be enough when it comes to content – it should be much more diversified to be effective. This step is obviously not easy, but professional articles can collect a huge and loyal audience. Moreover, it will improve your SEO, so you will be able to increase your traffic and purchases coming from Google.
- Use your network
Networking is always a good promotion tool. Did you already ask your family and friends to share the info about your newly-opened store? Once you do it, it may turn out that you already have a few loyal followers that may help you share the information about your business. From there it’s already not that long to be happy with few purchases.
- Start with your own newsletter
Attractive discounts for your followers may quickly build your mailing list, and that may bring you benefits definitely more than once. Show the world that it’s really worthy to sign up for your newsletter, and new e-mail addresses will keep joining your list. Once you can provide them some benefits, purchases will become only the matter of time.
- Use different channels
Customers may come to your store not only directly. Then, try to appear in comparison shopping engines – for sure they will make your stuff visible and available even for those who have never heard of your store before. It may turn out to be a perfect way to get new purchases, especially if you offer really attractive prices.