Marketing strategy – communication plans, brand strategies

We create the foundations of strong brands

Marketing strategies for companies

Marketing strategy is the foundation of marketing activities of any company, regardless of its size. As part of strategy development, we prepare a set of principles and guidelines on how marketing activities should be carried out. This increases their effectiveness while minimizing costs and maximizing profits.


When working on a marketing strategy, we work closely with the company’s management to optimally understand the fundamentals of the business and visions for development. Based on this, we are able to tailor the method of communication for the brand, present its idea clearly, and translate this into a course of action to help achieve the expected financial results.

We prepare strategies tailored to companies’ goals!

Benefits of strategy preparation

A marketing strategy for anyone who wants to effectively manage their company’s money!
According to various market data, between 50 and 55 percent of companies in Poland have a defined marketing strategy. This means that its development will immediately increase your competitiveness. Especially since this percentage looks different by company size. There is a clear correlation in that the smaller the companies, the less often they reach for a marketing strategy.

Therefore, if you are asking yourself who the marketing strategy is for, you are approaching it wrong at the start. The question should be: why doesn’t my company have a marketing strategy yet, and how can I make up for it? It will allow you to manage your company’s budget more effectively in the areas of communication, promotion and even sales activities.

Outline your goals. We will analyze and prepare a customized strategy of action.


Łukasz Jaworski
Łukasz Jaworski
B2B Sales Manager
+48 577 100 210

Components of marketing strategy

Marketing strategy consists of::

  • analytical part – the previous activities of the brand are analyzed, as well as the micro and macro business environment,
  • the strategic part – we take into account the company’s business plan in the short and long term, and the direction of the brand’s communication is selected, what it should be, what values are behind it, in order to make marketing decisions as easy as possible,
  • the communication part – that is, the brand communication strategy, where we create a communication plan and media plan. We determine how to communicate with the public, with what tools and channels
  • Brand strategies
  • Business plans
  • Communication plans
  • Image positioning
  • Media strategies
  • Competitive analysis
  • Marketing research

Marketing strategy development process

To develop a marketing strategy document, consider the following process:

  • Briefing firmy, który pozwoli bliżej poznać jej dotychczasowe działania w obszarze marketingu
  • Przeprowadzenie analizy makrootoczenia, którą jako agencja LTB opieramy o ogólne dostępne dane dotyczące danej branży oraz innych czynników wpływających na prowadzenie biznesu
  • Przeprowadzenie analizy mikrootoczenia, czyli wykorzystując różne narzędzia oraz pogłębiony wywiad z kadrą zarządzającą firmy, sprawdzamy jak wygląda otoczenie konkurencyjne oraz ewentualne bariery komunikacyjne
  • Analiza trendów, które mogą ułatwić kreowanie wizerunku oraz wpłynąć na określenie tego jak oferować dany produkt lub usługę
  • Wyciąganie odpowiednich wniosków z analizy oraz dobór big idea marki i wszystkich elementów strategicznych
  • Opracowanie szczegółowej strategii komunikacji marki oraz strategii mediowej
  • Przyjęcie oraz wdrożenie założeń strategicznych w codziennych działaniach marketingowych oraz sprzedażowych

The service is completed with the preparation of a comprehensive and customized marketing plan allowing you to act using your own human capital or cooperation with an agency.

At LTB we take a comprehensive approach to cooperation, so we offer full outsourcing of marketing activities leveling the need for investment in a team of specialists.

A marketing strategy for anyone,
who wants to effectively manage
your company’s money

Successful implementation of marketing strategies

A strategy document is usually quite extensive, and it is important to remember that it is primarily an assumption and a plan. Much more difficult and absorbing is the implementation of the marketing strategy itself. However, even with this your company is not left alone. With analysis, conclusions and direction ready, as a 360 marketing agency we are able to very quickly verify assumptions against the current cost of tools and channels and effectively implement given activities. Especially if you do not have a large marketing team in your company, and even if you have such people among your human resources, we provide strong support for them as a partner. This gives you a professional background to avoid misplacement of marketing budgets.

What’s next?

We look forward to hearing from you. Identify your goals and contact us.

Let's talk

Łukasz Jaworski

Łukasz Jaworski
B2B Sales Manager
+48 577 100 210



Send goals and expectations and key information about your company, brand.



Based on the submitted information, analysis and audit
We will prepare a unique proposal
and schedule of activities.

Our partners

Wrocławska Akademia Biznesu - partner of the LTB marketing agencyDIG - partner of the LTB marketing agencyUniwersytet Ekonomiczny - partner of the LTB marketing agencyFirma Rodzinna - partner of the LTB marketing agency