As it is commonly known, using social media has already become one of the most effective ways of promotion. It is related also to FMCG. However, to prepare a truly effective social media campaign designed to this branch, you need to adjust considered methods to the specifics of the product and your target audience. Then, follow our tips and get ready with your strategy.

Choose the proper channel

“More” does not always means “better”. Do you really need to use Twitter, Snapchat or Pinterest? Although Instagram or Facebook may be a perfect choice for promoting FMCG products, the rest of the social media should be used more carefully.

Running too many channels may generate really high costs that won’t result in spectacular effects.

Then, adjusting types of social media to your individual needs is a must – focus only on those which are really worthy of effort.

Extend your audience

When it comes to FMCG branch, “followers” are not equal with “customers”. As we’re talking about daily use products, everyone may be in need to get them – then, you should consider extending your audience. Avoid segmenting and try to engage as many visitors as it is possible, as it may bring satisfying effects.

Work with influencers

As FMCG are daily use items, it’s possible to present them in many common situations or to capture them in Instagram of Facebook pictures. Then, sharing your products with some influencers might be a perfect idea. With an addition of some creativity, engaging influencers may truly increase the visibility of your brand.

Publish live

Using videos has already become a strong trend and one of the most effective social media tools. Then, it would be a loss not to use them within your campaign. Public loves to take a look over “behind the scenes” materials, so you can show them how your products are being done or packed. Be authentic – by this you will build their interest and trust.

Be creative!

One of the biggest problems of FMCG branch is competition, and sometimes using creativity is the only way to beat your opponents. Once you manage to the common thing completely different than the others, your branch may gain on its visibility. Check out some outstanding case studies and get a bit of inspiration, and surely you will get the point.

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