Keyword optimization is definitely one of the most important elements of SEO campaign – doesn’t matter if it’s about paid or organic search. Actually, what is that?
To keep it simple, it’s choosing the best and most effective keywords to get the biggest traffic coming from the search engines. Actually, picking keywords is one of the hardest tasks when it comes to SEO marketing. It’s pretty obvious: if you won’t do it well, your website won’t be found! Then, the success of your campaign really depends on chosen keywords and it’s a really big deal to put some effort into fixing them properly. What are the tips for choosing the best keywords that will successfully optimize your website?
Picking keywords: main solutions
First of all, you need to figure out what kind of words people usually put into the search bar to find the product similar to yours. It’s important especially when it comes to PPC. If you are able to follow their thoughts, you’d get a really big traffic! You can also pick the keywords by analyzing their popularity. Of course, the more popular keywords you choose, the bigger traffic will be generated, but because of this you may fail in reaching your actual target group. Then, you should try to find the balance between increasing the traffic and reaching real customers. Remember: keywords shouldn’t be put only into the content. To be more effective, they should also appear in the links and images – it’s worth to put them into their files’ names. Don’t forget to bold them in the headers and titles. If your business is rather local than global, it’s also worthy to use the name of your city or province.
Why my keywords don’t work?
They might be at least few reasons. The first one may be focusing a lot on building a good quality website and… forgetting about SEO! It’s not enough to choose keywords: they must be put into content and repeated a few times on the website to be effective. The other reason might be simply an ineffective targeting.
When it comes to PPC, you can easily measure which keywords are the most effective and you can modify them anytime.
Not using this kind of tools is a great mistake – the outcome of the analysis may lead you to a great success! You should also check if the proper keywords appear close to each other, for example the name of your service and the location – otherwise SEO will treat them like general ones ant they won’t be effective.
The next reason for ineffectiveness of keywords might be focusing on them too much. SEO is not the only element of building a website – you should also create a relevant content. Simply, if your texts are overfilled with the keywords, they sound hopeless and no one is eager to read them. Although finding a balance is not an easy task, your website still should remain trustworthy. Indeed, creating a content that will be shared and linked by the visitors is the best outcome that you can expect!
To sum up, using SEO might be very effective if we do it in a proper way. However, it’s not the way to get new customers – it’s only the solution for increasing the traffic on the website. To increase sales they should be integrated with other marketing tools.
Thanks for the tip, I’m starting now in the market, I’m going to buy traffic and then I’ll use SEO.